Monday, December 23, 2019

Importance of Good Manners - 1055 Words

Importance of Good Manners The larger a population grows, it seems the worse manners become. That is too bad, because in a large, busy society, good manners become even more important. Common courtesies such as holding a door open for someone, saying please and thank you, and allowing an elderly or disabled person to go to the head of the line all make the world a nicer place to live in. Good manners do not cost anything, and it takes little extra time to practice them. Benefits Good manners help put others at ease and therefore make social interactions more pleasant. Simple courtesies like saying please and thank you show that you acknowledge another person as more than an object. Good manners aid friendships and are essential†¦show more content†¦This is why poor manners can feel so offensive. Its not like a direct insult which is personal. Lack of manners offends because its impersonal. It fails to recognize that a two-way connection is taking place and sends the message I am not aware of you as a person. One of the reasons traditional courtesies may have slipped in recent years might be that we spend so much time interacting with non-human things. You dont have to ask a television to switch channels or thank a computer for recording your files. People who neglect manners, however, do so at their social and professional peril. Manners demonstrate an awareness of ones social environment. Even if no serious offence is taken, poor manners can still make someone appear less engaged in whats happening around them and more caught up in their own world. In other words, good manners connect people to those around them, poor or bad manners can cause a separation. Imagine, for example, there is a small group of loud-talking cinema-goers disrupting the film for the rest of the audience. The auditorium is now split into an us-and-them. Whether theyre aware of it or not, the rowdy group has become isolated from the rest of the cinema community. Good manners are a code of common practice. What constitutes good manners can differ from group to group or culture to culture. Whatever the customs are, respecting them shows a desireShow MoreRelatedImportance of Good Manners in Islam1826 Words   |  8 PagesImportance of Good Manners in Islam Indeed you have in the messenger of Allah an excellent example for anyone who follows him, who has hope and looks to Allah and the Final Day and remembers Allah a lot. (suratul Ahzaab, verse 21) Intizar Ahmad Email:- In the name of Allah, and praises and peace be upon the Prophet of Allah. There is no God but Allah the Kind and Merciful, and thanks be to Allah, the lord of the Great Throne. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The USA Patriot Act Should be Amended Free Essays

Every sane individual would agree with the assertion that what occurred on September 11, 2001 is indeed a tragedy for the American public. With this grief came the awareness and fear that terrorism has become a global dilemma. In line with such events, the US government led by President George W. We will write a custom essay sample on The USA Patriot Act Should be Amended or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bush Jr. initiated an all out war against terrorism (global war on terror). The latter called for measures within and outside the United States that would supposedly crack down on terrorist groups and safeguard national security (Ahmed, 268). The main legislative measure employed is through the USA Patriot Act. The said Act extended the powers of U. S. law enforcement agencies for the mentioned purpose of conquering terrorism domestically and abroad. For example, the act increases the ability of law enforcement agencies in terms of surveillances (electronic, medical, immigration or financial records et cetera). As the Max Brenn reports, the USA Patriot Act: â€Å"†¦furthered foreign intelligence gathering within the United States; expanded the authority of the US Secretary of Treasury to regulate financial transactions involving foreign entities; and permitted a high level of discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. † (Brenn, 2007) The term â€Å"domestic terrorism† was also included in the definition of terrorism in the said Patriot Act, this means that the exercise of authority of law enforcement agencies covered a larger scope of activities. This paper asserts that the US Patriot Act should be amended due to its vague policies, the overpower it gives governmental agencies (i. e. the SNL), and the incompatibility of some of its provisions with the American constitution. Further, it must be noted that despite being amended last 2006, a lot of provisions (even those that are permanently stipulated) continue to violate civil liberties; with at least two provisions of the said act already being deemed to be unconstitutional. Moreover, the USA Patriot act as it is does not meet the urgency it had in 2001, as such it order to be in line with its purpose, it must be amended in accordance to the needs of our time. First, it has been argued that the said law infringes the right of individuals in terms of privacy as well as due process as well as giving too much power to the FBI, CSI etc. This is exemplified by the provisions in the Patriot act that allows for delayed if not with held search warrants. This goes to say that law enforcement officers have the authorization to conduct â€Å"sneak and peek† searches, wherein the owner or person concerned are not given notice nor is asked for permission regarding a search. Moreover it is the case that the NSLs (National Security Letters) are deemed to be used to acquire documents including telephone, email, financial and even library records (all of which are deemed as private) without the proper approval of a judicial court. It is further the case that most of the public records which the Federal Bureau of Investigations gains access too are supposed to be covered by the fourth amendment of the constitution and not to mention governed by client-company/institutional/professional privilege. Further, in support of the argument that the Patriot Act infringes civil liberties, we may review the current rulings of certain courts. Take for example, last September 6, 2007 the rewritten Patriot Act was held by U. S. District Judge Victor Marrero as offensive to the fundamental principles upheld by our constitution. A more current blow to the said law is the ruling of a federal judge that at least two provisions of the Patriot act are unconstitutional last September 26, 2007. This is again with regards to the warrantless searches and acquisition of records through the NSL which are in direct violation of the fourth amendment. The constitution is the primary source of the laws that governs the land. In its current state, some aspects of the Patriot Act are contrary to the stipulations of the constitution. As such, there is a need to amend the Act otherwise, it would be nullified for not coinciding with the things that are upheld and safeguarded by the constitution. A lot of states have already agreed that the legislature contradicts with the fundamental principles of the constitution, one of this states is Montana (Graham-Felsen, 2005). The following are specific parts of the constitution that the Patriot Act needs to take into consideration and uphold at all times. In order for this to happen, the law would have to be amended. Aside from the fourth amendment, the Patriot act also needs to be amended in order to uphold the sixth amendment of the US constitution which assures the right of individuals to proper judicial processes. The USA Patriot Act warrants the use of shady courts in the sense that people suspected of terrorist activities despite lack of sufficient evidence are tried without due presence of outside juries and proper documentation open to public scrutiny. This directly violates the 6th amendment because it allows underground processing of suspects. There is also reason to believe that US citizens are subjected to surveillance based on their religion and other affiliations, a direct violation of one’s right to self-determination. This is through the authority given to law enforcement agencies to tap into records of individuals without enough probable cause (ACLU, 2007). Further, Americans and immigrants are subjected to unconstitutional investigations and interrogations even if there is insufficient proof of these persons being actual threats to national security. There are inconveniences that occur today that manifest the extent to which the Patriot Act is shown to be a hindrance rather than a protection of national security. This can be seen through the incidents reported wherein American citizens are forced to delay flights due to their inclusion to the no fly list by merely bearing the same name as a person suspected by the FBI or Homeland Security. One of the worst incidents perhaps is the wrongful accusation of Brandon Mayfield; whose fingerprints were mistakenly matched with the prints found in the Madrid Train Bombings of 2004 (Molina, 2007). Nonetheless, these faulty aspects of the Act can be amended to remove the errors it possesses. We cannot deny that there is indeed a need to safeguard our national security in order for us to live; rights do not function in a vacuum. There are certain conditions that have to be met in order for us to practice the liberties we love and cherish. The USA Patriot act and its rigidity is the right legislative course of action in 2001, its effectiveness can be improved to fit our society’s post-9/11 scenario. Certain provisions like those that continue to override the rights of the people need to be further amended to suit the constitutional system of our country. Some of the provisions are indeed too drastic and need to be re-evaluated and if necessary repealed; however some of the contents of the said Act do address the need to protect our land from terrorism. It must once again be clarified that even if the author deems that some provisions should be repealed, it does not necessarily follow the law in its entirety should be abolished. Specifically, the US congress could start by setting the limits to the use of NSLs by the FBI. Truly this aspect of the Patriot Act has been proven to be problematic. According to CNN. com, the White House itself expressed its concern regarding this misuse of powers last March 2007 which the FBI director at that time claim responsibility for (Arena Quijano, 2007). In addition the reauthorization of the Patriot Act includes new policies that once again contain vague and ambiguous terms like, â€Å"an offense against the United States† and â€Å"reasonable grounds†. Indeed the latter would be significant in the sense that the said law warrants also the forming of a secret/special police force are given power to arrest and keep out people at their own discretion in lieu of a â€Å"special event of national significance† present (Roberts, 2006). The latter again is left undefined. These limitations, and the necessary provisions that safeguard the rights of the people, within reason, would be resolved through an amendment of the USA Patriot Act. The law needs to adapt to the necessity of the time on which it is suppose to serve its purpose. The aforementioned are samples of the provisions of which our congress could start reviewing and amending. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness would regain its fullest meaning if and only if, we accept the need to safeguard, first and foremost, this country. Works Cited Ahmed, Nafeez M. The War on Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked September 11, 2001. CA: Tree of Life Publications, 2002 Arena, Kelli and Quijano, Elaine. â€Å"Audit: FBI’s Patriot Act snooping broke rules. † CNN. com. March 9, 2007. Accessed 5 October 2007 http://www. cnn. com/2007/LAW/03/09/security. letters/index. html. Brenn, Max. â€Å"Sections of the Patriot Act Unconstitutional- Judge. † Efluxmedia. September 7, 2007. accessed October 8, 2007 at http://www. efluxmedia. com/news_Sections_of_the_Patriot_Act_Unconstitutional_Judge_08381. html Graham-Felsen, Sam. â€Å"Sweet Victory: Montana Acts Patriotic. † The Nation. April 8, 2005. accessed 6 October 2007 http://www. thenation. com/blogs/edcut? pid=2311. Molina, Mike R. â€Å"Federal judge rules Patriot Act search, surveillance provisions unconstitutional. † Paperchase news burst. Jurist; Legal News and Research. September 26, 2007. accessed 6 October 2007 http://jurist. law. pitt. edu/paperchase/2007/09/federal-judge-rules-patriot-act-search. php. Roberts, Paul Craig. â€Å"Unfathomed Dangers in PATRIOT Act Reauthorization. † Anti-War. com. January 24, 2006. accessed 3 October 2007 at http://www. antiwar. com/roberts/? articleid=8434. â€Å"Federal Court Strikes Down Patriot Act Search and Surveillance Provisions. † American Civil Liberties Union. September 27, 2007. Date accessed 7 October 2007 http://www. aclu. org/safefree/patriot/31989prs20070927. html. How to cite The USA Patriot Act Should be Amended, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Important Principles Of Catholic Social Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Important Principles Of Catholic Social. Answer: Out of the 9 important principles of catholic social thought, human dignity has been considered to be the most significant. Different countries of the world have developed their own ethical Framework which is followed in different sectors of the nation. Starting from business, academic, Healthcare and many other sectors, all are advised to follow ethical principles and incorporate the importance of human dignity and maintenance of activities for common good for the citizens of the nation (Cuzzocrea 2014). Different organisations and businesses have therefore paid much importance for the protection of human rights and dignity while dealing with different customers in every corners of the nation. However the concern arises that are the businesses really meeting up the true expectation of the meaning of the word dignity while handling business with the common people for common good? Human dignity can be defined as the aspect of maintaining self respect and self worth of every individuals of the nation. This is helpful in respecting the beliefs, values as well as wishes of all the different citizens who are touched by business and thereby not impressing others beliefs or facts on them for making more profit (Wiesnieski et al. 2015). This is extremely important for respecting the integrity of social system of the country. Privacy is one of the most important components of human dignity and therefore each and every business organisations are requested to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of their consumers. They are advised to work ethically so that they do not breach any human rights and do not get involved in any legal obligations. The laws have become quite strict in every Nation about the maintenance of privacy and confidentiality but still there are many organisations who have found different ways strategically to trick the common citizens and gather their information for their own benefits (Shklovski et al. 2014). This can be described with the help of an example. The social media have launched many applications over the year which first asks their consumers of informed consent before guiding the consumers into their own website. While providing the informed consent the visitors of the site are asked to fulfil a page of information. While providing the consent, consumers remain unaware about how the information would be used by the apps for their own purposes (Abawaijy, Ninggal and Herawan 2016). It is found that even after the visitors leave the site, the applications use the information to track different searches made by the visitors over the Internet. They then use this information to provide options to the visitor either to buy their service or product. This has made the consumers fearful of the fact that whenever they might go online, they will be tracked and different information about their activities online would be noted Some of the greatest example can be provided by the different renowned applications like Facebook, Uber as well as many other applications. They track down the location of their customers even without the permission of the customer. They provide search suggestions stating that the area where they are present right now have cabs available which day can take access to for their benefits. All these make customers feel insecure that even the places that they go are noticed by these applications (Wang, Grossklags and Xu 2013). All these activities thereby question one fact, The informed consent which was asked by the applications to the consumer is really serving their purpose of respecting the autonomy and privacy of the consumers. All the social application organisations are of the opinion that they are actually helping the consumers when they are in distress or when they are searching for particular services which are unable to find otherwise. They say that they are doing this for the common good and maintaining the human dignity of the consumer by asking them for permission before logging them into their services (Cuzzocrea 2014). However there is another face to this opinion. They are mainly doing this for their own profit as more they provide suggestions to the consumer; the probability of the consumers taking their services increases and this in turn increases the profitability. Therefore the ethical framework of every Nation should make strong legislations and rules against all such social application companies so that they cannot exploit the dignity of consumers in the name of providing service for the common good (Mamonov and Benbunan-Fich 2015). Proper strategies should be found out by this company if they really want to help the consumer, without disrupting their confidentiality and privacy. References: Abawajy, J. H., Ninggal, M. I. H., and Herawan, T. 2016. Privacy preserving social network data publication.IEEE communications surveys and tutorials,18(3), 1974-1997. Cuzzocrea, A. 2014, November. Privacy and security of big data: current challenges and future research perspectives. InProceedings of the First International Workshop on Privacy and Secuirty of Big Data(pp. 45-47). ACM. Mamonov, S., and Benbunan-Fich, R. 2015. An empirical investigation of privacy breach perceptions among smartphone application users.Computers in Human Behavior,49, 427-436. Shklovski, I., Mainwaring, S. D., Skladttir, H. H., and Borgthorsson, H. 2014, April Leakiness and creepiness in app space: Perceptions of privacy and mobile app use. InProceedings of the 32nd annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing systems(pp. 2347-2356). ACM. Wang, N., Grossklags, J., and Xu, H. 2013, February. An online experiment of privacy authorization dialogues for social applications. InProceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work(pp. 261-272). ACM. Wisniewski, P., Xu, H., Lipford, H., and Bello?Ogunu, E. 2015. Facebook apps and tagging: The trade?off between personal privacy and engaging with friends.Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,66(9), 1883-1896.